HYH Meeting 2024-05-09

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  • Note Taker: Robert Bushman
  • Moderator: Eric Ose
  • Number of Members Present: 8
    • Beau, Rick, Darrell, Nate C, Eric, Jeff, Jot, Bob

Old Business

From 2024-04-25

  • Action Item: Add David to finances email (Bob will ping Jeff Sittler)
    • Update 2024-05-02: Jeff has added David to the appropriate message groups.
  • Action Item: Bob to red-tag (wood in welding area)
    • Update 2024-05-02: Bob moved the wood so it is not in the way of storing the welding table, and added a parking ticket. He intends to make some risers for the front window display area. The parking permit has today's date and a recommended disposal date of June if not used by then.
  • Action Item: Beau is free to install OctoPrint on the Longer LK5 Pro.
    • Update: OctoPrint is installed and working, and the printer has a camera now.
    • Update2: Beau was also working on getting it up on Slack. It's not going to work for now.
      • It allows both viewing and the ability for admins to stop broken prints (which is of dubious value).
      • Beau thinks (others concur) the Slack connection is not critical.
  • Action Item: Bob to put up a screen driven by a Raspi with 6 panes of the most "Welcome to HeatSync, stranger" style events (lego day, gaming nights, etc).
    • Update 2024-05-02: Upon further investigation, Bob found that his idea is a bit undercooked compared to contemporary retail window display standards. He is working with others to try something a bit more professional looking. See: Window Display
  • Action Item: Bob to contact CPA to request update.

New Business

New Webcam

New webcam that monitors the entry way is live.

Station Reports

Vinyl Cutter

  • New Cameo that was in the kitchen is now in the drawer at the vinyl cutter station.
  • The blade in it was shot, but it came with a new blade.
  • Needs a power supply.




  • A random collection of tools were donated, including a set of combination wrenches.
  • Wood planer was maybe clogged.
    • Action Item: Eric to check it out. Bob to help.
    • May have been related to dust extraction not being done.
    • Thanks to Beau for printing a dust extractor adapter.

Machine Shop





  • Exhaust on the small laser had a magnetic cover placed over it.
    • Possibly used to prevent small parts from getting exhausted, or to reduce flow to the little laser, thereby increasing flow to the big laser.
    • Cover was left in place and prevented proper airflow for the next user.




  • Had 17 people last time!



3D Printing

  • Part ordered by Beau for the Ender 5 on the right. Part arriving tomorrow.
  • AnyCubic Photon is theoretically working, needs testing.
    • Action Item: Bob test the Photon with Gwendolyn's yarn whorl.
  • Arnob's brother Aaron's 3D Printer has been living here for a while.
    • Not a big deal yet, but starting to get attention.
    • Parking pass is on there now, but keeps getting changed, he was advised to keep the tag and put date updates on it so we have a record.


Wiki Upgrade

Proposal By: Bob Bushman

The new wiki is live (this is it). I have a point version upgrade to do and a bit of documentation, and it will be fully live.

I propose that we point wiki.heatsynclabs.org at heatsynclabs.wiki.

Delayed, Not posted correctly: Needs to be posted to Google Group with brackets around "Proposal".

Square Account

Proposal By: Bob Bushman

In my new events I am selling things (proceeds going to HSL). Currently I only accept cash. I'd like to accept cards. Square charges $0.30 + 3.5% and we use it happily at Bike Saviours.

I'm going to set up an account that I can use for my events. I'd like to set it up in HSL's name (or someone else can, if they want), so the money goes straight to HSL's account. If that isn't acceptable, I will make my own account and pass the cash through, but that seems overly complex and unhelpful to anyone else who wants to sell things on behalf of HSL.

I propose that HeatSync opens a Square account and gets one of those headphone jack credit card swipe thingies.

Delayed, Not posted correctly: Needs to be posted to Google Group with brackets around "Proposal".



  • Bathrooms: Jot
  • Trash: Darrell
  • Windows: Bob
  • Tables: Beau
  • Sweep: Eric

Discussion Items

If an item of discussion drags on too long, further discussion may be postponed until after the meeting ends.

During discussion, it is not necessary to write down exactly what each person says. Record the topics of discussion, and any items of consensus or controversy here. Detailed descriptions of the conversation should go on the discuss page for this meeting.