UAS/Initial BOM
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Embedded controller: Arduino or clone.
The following as interesting and already in inventory: Arduino Decemilia, Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega 2560, Maple Mini, Maple (Rev5).
- LS20031 GPS)
- accelerometer (3 axis) also includes magnetometer
- gyro (3 axis)
- Proximity Sensor
- Barometric Pressure Sensor, should we have ordered this one?
This initial sensor package is ordered.
The initial aircraft must forgive mediocre piloting. We want docile flight characteristics combined with a rugged air frame.
- Craft
- Bixler Looks like a good place to start. Lots of surfaces to control, plenty of room for avionics, and reasonably priced.
- Phoenix Glider Pretty cool name... If the avionics fit inot the cockpit I say go for it.
- Alternate source
- HobbyKing SkyFun as the craft
- Note: make sure to get a redundant craft. I, or my s/w defect, will surely crash and destroy one...
- Predator Fairly large. Lots of goodness?
- review great info.
- Reaper cool.
- Servos X 4
- XBee PRO 900 XSC? or...?