Red Bull Creation Contest
Wat: Red Bull gave away mystery boxes to hackerspaces across the US, and challenged us to reverse-engineer them. HeatSync Labs did, and after many rick-rolls and dead ends, we found most of their easter eggs and registered a team, called
Ideas for projects:
- Virtual Babbage Difference Engine or Analytical Engine emulated in Arduino with historically accurate analog inputs and outputs
- Virtual Enigma machine or Bombe (bonus points for Churchill tie in)
- Reinvented wheel that moves under its own power
- Virtual sun-dial (light sensors and an LCD display)
- Punchcard reader or compiler ( makes Arduino code and puts it on the chip?)
- Old school census tabulation
- Arduino-powered radar
- Vinyl-to-mp3 encoder
- Spinning wheel with length calculator and/or red yellow green yarn consistency meter
- Sextant with Aruino and GPS
- Abacus with digital readout
- Tweet a smoke signal generator
- Suit of armor with damage sensors and HUD
- 8-Track-Duino
- Full room sized pong game
- Ice Box with LCD and tweet to tell you when it needs more ice
- Flintlock with laser targeting range finder
- Retrofitting a paper stock ticker (like from the 1920s) to spit out hackerspace Twitter list tweets instead of stocks
- Retrofitting a phone to dial robot messages to people (via Twilio or Tropo, akin to loldialer)
- Old-style outdoor clothesline outfitted with a moisture sensor that buzzes or blinks or SMS texts when clothes are dry or fall off a clothes line
- Old-style typewriter outfitted to send e-mail (this will get really tedious given the mechanical nature of their keys)
- Arduino-powered open-hardware record (vinyl) player