Large 80W Laser
These lists are not exhaustive. If your material is not on either list, ask first!
- Acrylic
- Anodized aluminum, etching only
- Corrugated cardboard
- Glass, etching only
- Leather, naturally dyed
- Paper
- Plywood
Forbidden / Incapable
- Metal
- Skin/flesh
- Turn on the machine
- Turn on the Key Lock
- be sure to disengage the E-STOP
- Verify the following are up and running
- Laser Cutter
- Chiller
- Exhaust fan
- Air compressor
- Start the LaserCut software
- Communication Problem?
- Save work
- Exit LaserCut
- Restart LaserCut
- “SoftDog” dongle errors
- These are usually random
- retry
- Communication Problem?
- Create your design
- File in ...My Documents/USERS/Your Name
- Shapes, Text, Graphics
- Use LaserCut for simple work, or
- Import from Corel, AutoCad, etc
- Assign objects to layers then values for:
- Speed
- Power
- Frequency
- Output
- Set drawing origin (Choose intelligently based on your design)
- Click Calculate
- Simulate if necessary
- Download the design to the laser cutter
- Click “Download” then “Download Current”
- Close the download window
- Prepare the material
- Lower the table so that material doesn't hit the laser head
- Position material in center of bed (use squaring blocks if necessary)
- Jog laser head over to the material using computer or keypad
- AutoFocus
- Press Z
- Press Datum
- Focus will be 6mm below air cone
- If you run the head through the table hit the E-STOP and see Laser Cutter Emergency Guidelines
- Press Z again to exit Z-axist mode
- Engraving: Focus is on the surface, you are done
- Cutting: Focus inside, by raising the bed about 2 mm in Z mode
- Check design boundary
- Click "Run Box" to outline the extent of your design area without the laser powering on
- Don't use Clip Box or it will power on the laser
- Click "Run Box" to outline the extent of your design area without the laser powering on
- Remember your Laser Cutter Safety Training
- Locate water spray bottle
- Locate fire extinguisher
- Most flare-ups will self-extinguish when the laser stops
- Stay at the laser while it is running. If you must leave, someone else trained must take your place.
- If you need to suspend your job quickly, raise the hood. Cutting will resume when you lower the hood.
- Due to software bugs, do not use the Pause or Stop buttons on either the machine or software
- Start the Laser
- Click 'Start'
- If you must suspend you can open the hood or click 'Start' again.
- Avoid using "Stop" or "Pause" if possible.
- Finished?
- wait for cooldown and exhaust to clear
- Temperature display should be below 25°C
- Turn off the key lock switch
- Verify the following are off:
- Laser Cutter
- Chiller
- Exhaust
- Air Compressor
- Clean up the machine
- Rails
- Clean each rails with a rag and alcohol. Gloves are recommended.
- Scraps
- Drawer
- Hood
- Rails
- Document!
- wait for cooldown and exhaust to clear