CNC Machine

From HeatSync Labs Wiki
Revision as of 05:22, 18 December 2012 by en>Mooglinux
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Setup Information

Put everything about how the machine should be setup here, espectially the settings used in the control software.

LinuxCNC Config Files

LinuxCNC Inches ini file

LinuxCNC Pinout

Software Guides

At a minimum, everyone needs to have a grasp of how to use MACH3. The user manual can be downloaded at

There are two CAM programs we will be providing. HSMXpress is a SolidWorks plugin for doing g-code generation from within solidworks directly on a part. The express version only comes with the documentation that is in its help file, accessed in the plugin itself.

CamBam is the CAM program that can handle most everything, and the manual can be found at

Safety guidelines

Comulative knowledge of how to avoid killing yourself on the machine goes here.

  • NO hand-editing of g-code programs.

Tips and best practices

Practice manual milling on the blue mill. Certification on the blue mill will be a prerequisite for being certified on the CNC mill.