Stencil Etching
(Redirected from Stencil Etching: Stencil Etching)
- open original eagle file
- show only top (or bottom) layer
- ripup all traces
- now you can print to pdf, make sure scale is one, monochrome, and mirror
- take pdf and convert to png, 600 dpi will work
- in Preview (Mac)you can inverse colors by going tools->adjust color and switching black and white level arrows on top to the other side
- Now you'll want to create a white background and cut and paste out just your stencil (this way you don't print a ton of wasted black)
- now follow PCB_Etching
- You'll want to seal with green
- etch as little stencil as you have to as every bit of copper you etch is wasted etchant(cut away unneccessary)
- but don't marker/cover over back of stencil. It needs to be able to etch through from the back as well