LinuxCNC Inches ini file

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# EMC controller parameters for generic controller. Make these what you need
# for your system.

# General note: Comments can either be preceded with a # or ; - either is
# acceptable, although # is in keeping with most linux config files.

# Settings with a + at the front of the comment are likely needed to get 
# changed by the user.
# Settings with a - at the front are highly unneeded to be changed
# General section 

#- Version of this INI file
VERSION =               $Revision$

#+ Name of machine, for use with display, etc.
MACHINE =               LinuxCNC-HAL-STEP-IN

#+ Debug level, 0 means no messages. See src/emc/nml_int/emcglb.h for others
# DEBUG =               0x00000007
# DEBUG =               0x7FFFFFFF

# Sections for display options 

#+ Name of display program, e.g., xemc
DISPLAY =              axis
# DISPLAY =              usrmot
# DISPLAY =              mini
# DISPLAY = 		tkemc
# Cycle time, in seconds, that display will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME =            0.200

#- Path to help file
HELP_FILE =             tklinucnc.txt

#- Initial display setting for position, RELATIVE or MACHINE

#- Initial display setting for position, COMMANDED or ACTUAL

#+ Highest value that will be allowed for feed override, 1.0 = 100%

#- Prefix to be used
PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/joe/linuxcnc/nc_files

#- Introductory graphic
INTRO_GRAPHIC =         linuxcnc.gif
INTRO_TIME =            5

# Editor to be used with Axis
EDITOR = gedit

# Task controller section 

# Name of task controller program, e.g., milltask
TASK =                  milltask

#- Cycle time, in seconds, that task controller will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME =            0.010

# Part program interpreter section 

#- File containing interpreter variables
PARAMETER_FILE =        stepper.var

# Motion control section 

#- Name of the motion controller to use (only one exists for nontrivkins)
EMCMOT =                motmod

#- Timeout for comm to emcmot, in seconds
COMM_TIMEOUT =          1.0

#- Interval between tries to emcmot, in seconds
COMM_WAIT =             0.010

#+ Base task period, in nanosecs - this is the fastest thread in the machine
BASE_PERIOD =           50000
#- Servo task period, in nanosecs - will be rounded to an int multiple of BASE_PERIOD
SERVO_PERIOD =          100000

# Hardware Abstraction Layer section

# The run script first uses halcmd to execute any HALFILE
# files, and then to execute any individual HALCMD commands.

# list of hal config files to run through halcmd
#+ files are executed in the order in which they appear
HALFILE =               core_stepper.hal
#HALFILE =               xylotex_pinout.hal
HALFILE =               standard_pinout.hal

#- list of halcmd commands to execute
# commands are executed in the order in which they appear
#HALCMD =                save neta

HALUI = halui

# Trajectory planner section
#+ machine specific settings
AXES =                  3
# COORDINATES =         X Y Z A B C
COORDINATES =           X Y Z
HOME =                  0 0 0
LINEAR_UNITS =          inch
ANGULAR_UNITS =         degree
CYCLE_TIME =            0.010
DEFAULT_VELOCITY =      0.0167
MAX_VELOCITY =          1.0

# Axes sections

#+ First axis X

TYPE =                          LINEAR
HOME =                          0.000
MAX_VELOCITY =                  1.0
# NOTE:  the step generator module applies its own limits to
# acceleration and velocity.  We have discovered that it needs
# to have a little "headroom" over the accel by the trajectory
# planner, otherwise it can fall slightly behind during accel
# and later overshoot as it catches up.  In the long term we
# hope to come up with a clean fix for this problem.  In the
# meantime, please set STEPGEN_MAXACCEL below to a few percent
# higher than the regular acceleration limit MAX_ACCELERATION
MAX_ACCELERATION =              10.0
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              19.0
BACKLASH =                      0.000
SCALE =                         10000
OUTPUT_SCALE =                  1.000
MIN_LIMIT =                     -8.0
MAX_LIMIT =                      8.0
FERROR =                        0.050
MIN_FERROR =                    0.010
HOME_OFFSET =                   -8.0
HOME_SEARCH_VEL =               0.2
HOME_LATCH_VEL =                0.2
HOME_USE_INDEX =                NO

#+ Second axis Y

TYPE =                          LINEAR
HOME =                          0.000
MAX_VELOCITY =                  1.0
MAX_ACCELERATION =              10.0
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              19.0
BACKLASH =                      0.000
SCALE =                         -10000
OUTPUT_SCALE =                  1.000
MIN_LIMIT =                     -2.5
MAX_LIMIT =                     2.5
FERROR =                        0.050
MIN_FERROR =                    0.010
HOME_OFFSET =                   -2.5
HOME_SEARCH_VEL =               0.2
HOME_LATCH_VEL =                0.2
HOME_USE_INDEX =                NO

#+ Third axis Z

TYPE =                          LINEAR
HOME =                          0.0
MAX_VELOCITY =                  0.5
MAX_ACCELERATION =              5.0
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL =              21.0
BACKLASH =                      0.000
SCALE =                         -20000
OUTPUT_SCALE =                  1.000
MIN_LIMIT =                     -4.0
MAX_LIMIT =                     1.0
FERROR = 0.050
MIN_FERROR = 0.010
HOME_OFFSET =                    0.0
HOME_SEARCH_VEL =                0.0
HOME_LATCH_VEL =                 0.0
HOME_USE_INDEX =                 NO

# section for main IO controller parameters 

#- Name of IO controller program, e.g., io
EMCIO = 		io

#- cycle time, in seconds
CYCLE_TIME =            0.100

#- tool table file
TOOL_TABLE =            stepper.tbl