3D Scanner

From HeatSync Labs Wiki
Revision as of 02:11, 12 March 2010 by en>Uberschnitzel
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To compliment our 3D printer that we are creating it would be great if we had our very own affordable and accurate 3D scanner. This would allow us to only model and print objects but also replicate objects we already have.


To get us started we can build a rotational base that we'll place the scanable object on so it can rotate slowly. We'll acquire a web cam and laser level. And then install the David 3D scanner software to do a scan of a small object.

Then we'll move towards commercial methods of doing multi-scans at the same time and combine the results after processing to ensure that we have the least amount of noise possible.


Goal is to have the ultimate cost for this project to be less than commercially available products. The lowest that I've found was:

NextEngine - $2,995


Commercial Models

NextEngine - https://www.nextengine.com/indexSecure.htm

