HYH Meeting 2024-04-25

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This page was automatically copied from HYH Meeting Template by User:Phong. If you would like to change the structure of how future meetings perform, please make any modifications to HYH Meeting Template. If you would like to propose something at the next meeting, bring it up on the mailing list with "PROPOSAL:" in the subject line and Phong will add it to the next meeting's agenda.



  • Note Taker: FIXME
  • Moderator: FIXME
  • Number of Members Present: FIXME


  • Any cool new projects? Something you want everyone to know?
  • Any happenings that people should be aware of?

Financial Report


Arnob Key Access

  • Proposed By: Robot Ambassador Eric Ose

Reminder this Thursday for HYH we have a proposal for @ATK to have 24/7 lab access. I'm trying to confirm we have enough people going to be there to vote. Arnob has a very busy week and school. I'm not sure he will be there in person, but we can still vote on this.

Oh this is the proposal; https://groups.google.com/g/heatsynclabs/c/agqWr0QGwN0

Discussion Items

Wiki Upgrade

Window Flyers

End of Meeting

  • Delete the "Instructions" section at the top of this page.
  • Delete this section.
  • Post the notes to the wiki
  • Discuss any items for which there was not enough time during the meeting