Put operational procedures here.
New Member
- Have them fill out the Membership Application
- Either set up a PayPal recurring payment to (an option is given at the end of the application form) or choose another method to send their payment. Automated, electronic, or prepaid months in advance is preferred. If prepaid cash/check utilize square, take photo, and place in admin locker.
- Jotform is sent to board@ notifying board
- Treasurer: Confirm form and payment, record details in membership spreadsheet, and notify operations team of new member.
- Operations Team:
- Will: Email new member with Member Welcome Letter and suggest a time to come in for card access and orientation. Create calendar appointment with the appropriate operations team member.
- Greet member at space; give them the Walk Through Orientation.
- Explain the Access Card Procedure and when they can expect to receive a card.
- Give them access to the Intranet if a member of the operations team approves.
Member Nonpayment/Cancellation
- Treasurer: At least once every month, check member payment status. Do a complete audit quarterly. If a member hasn't paid, notify the operations team to have card access turned off. Likewise, notify the team when a member begins payment again. If there are unpaid months or portions of months during which they had access, the member must pay the difference.
- Operations Team: When notified of nonpayment or resumption of payment, follow the Access Card Procedure.
Equipment Certification
When someone wants to use equipment they're not certified for:
- If there's a class scheduled for that equipment, hook them up with that class/teacher.
- If there is no class scheduled, suggest that the member email the group asking for a class. Alternatively, if there is time and a certified member is onsite, they may give an impromptu class according to the Equipment Use Guidelines.
Sales, membership payments, and donations
For any sales (i.e. t-shirts, Arduino boards, etc) the sales person (a board member or trained member) needs to ideally use Square to process the payment. Please include the following in the description or as an accompanying email to the Treasurer:
- Name (first and last)
- Email address
- Item sold
- Amount sold for
If Square is unavailable record this information along with the payment so that the sale can be tracked and an electronic receipt can be sent to the buyer via e-mail.
Purchase Requests
To request the Board to purchase something, follow instructions on the Procurement Request page.
Event/Speaker Process
Clearly identify one primary event organizer with ultimate responsibility.
- Organizer solidifies speaker date and explains the following:
- Meeting starts at 7pm
- Speakers start at 7:30pm
- Talks are <30mins and we prefer inclusion of hands on activity
- Projector, sound and laptop connectors provided (coordinate this with speaker)
- Ask if they need anything else from us, or if audience needs to bring in x
- Request topic name, description (overview of what will be covered for marketing), and bio.
- Once this happens, organizer asks Operations team to update the events calendar.
- Forward out same information to board@ and operations@ so everyone (including marketing) are up to date
- Night of, arrive early, be point of contact for speaker.
- Lead cleaning and setup
- Introduce and thank the presenter
- Lead teardown and cleaning
- If the event was messy, ask participants to clean their own mess.
- Remember to wipe tables and examine floors to determine if they need sweep/mop
- Send thank you via email, etc
- Post presentations on wiki and maintain a private list of emails so we can reschedule speakers Presentations