Nonprofit Annual Filings
Annual Filings for Arizona Nonprofit Organizations
Arizona Corporation Commission
Form: Annual Report Due Date: Anniversary date of the date of incorporation
Arizona Corporation Commission c/o Annual Reports, Corporations Div. 1300 West Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007-2929
Information: (602) 542-3285
Forms: (602) 542-0082
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $10
Note: Nonprofit organizations must include a financial disclosure statement which may be any one of the following: a. Most recent copy of Page 2, Form 99 filed with the Arizona Dept. of Revenue b. A copy of the organization's Charitable Organization Financial Statement as filed with the Arizona Secretary of State c. A copy of the organization's Treasurer's Report/Financial Statement for the current fiscal year. d. A copy of the financial statement prepared for the organization's members. e. A statement that the organization conducted no business in Arizona in the past year.
Internal Revenue Service
Form: Annual Return Form 990 Due Date: 4 ½ months after end of fiscal year
Internal Revenue Service Ogden, UT 84201-0027 Information: (800) 829-1040
Forms: (800) 829-3676
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $0
Public Charities: Please note that, along with the new Form 990, the IRS has instituted a "phase-in" period to allow organizations time to adjust to the new form. For a detailed "phase-in" chart, please refer to the IRS website to determine which form to file (Form 990, Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N).
Private Foundations: Submit Form 990PF, regardless of revenues.
Arizona Secretary of State
Form: Charitable Organization Registration Form Due Date: Annually between September 1-30
Secretary of State Charities Division 1700 W. Washington, 7th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007
Information: (602) 542-6187
Fax: (602) 542-7386 Web Site:
Filing Fee: $0