Meeting Minutes Template

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HeatSync Labs Non-Profit Organization
Board of Administration
Open Session
Day of Month, Year
7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m.

260 S. Arizona Avenue 
Chandler, AZ 85225 

Board Members(Alphabetical by Last Name):
Will Bradley
Jose Diaz
David Huerta
Jeremy Leung
Jacob Rosenthal
Matt Shepard
Joyce Tang
Andrea Young

A reminder, all issues for consideration must be provided to the Secretary in written form at least 7 days prior to the necessary posting date for that meeting. Any written materials distributed to the Board in connection with this agenda will be made available at the meeting location located at the address at or just prior to the meeting.

Call to Order and Roll Call

Members Present:
Members Late:
Members Absent:

Approval of Last Meetings Minutes

Approval of the Day of Month, Year Meeting Minutes. Vote: Does anyone object to unanimous consent?

Comments From Members

At this time Members whose dues are in good and current standing shall have an opportunity to comment on any item relevant to the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. This opportunity is non-transferable and speakers are limited to a single one (1) minute comment.

Director Report

Each board member has 2 minutes to report on the status of their office. Please email details of this report to the secretary if relevant to aid in meeting minute note taking.




Resource Director:




Financial Report

Done Quarterly and presented by the Treasurer - Can announce our current financial status for reference if relevant to a Proposal/Motion

Old Business

Committees that promised during a previous meeting to present information for the board, motions postponed to a certain date or indefinitely, etc.

1. First and Last Name of Person Presenting - Summary of Old Business
Presenter has the floor to present on an update.

New Business

1. First Last Name of Person Making Motion - Motion submitted to Secretary prior to the meeting and added to the agenda.

  • Person making the motion will speak first.
  • Does anyone object to unanimous consent?
  • If there is an objection each board member has 1 min for discussion.
  • If board member speaks under time they may forfeit their time to another board member or member to extend that persons speaking time.
  • During discussion amendments can be proposed. Amendments must be seconded.

Vote for Amendment of Original Motion: List of Names for Yay or Nay.
Amendment of Original Motion Voting Result: Pass, Fail, Or Unanimously Passed

Vote for Amended or Final Motion: List of Names for Yay or Nay.
Result: Pass, Fail, Or Unanimously Passed

2. Follow the same structure as motion number one.

In the event that it appears that there is not enough time to get the meeting completed in the allotted time someone can motion to extend the meeting.
Vote: To Extend Meeting - Unanimously Passed to extend until *time*


To end a meeting you move to adjourn.

  • Does anyone object to unanimous consent?
  • If no than end the meeting if yes than everyone has 1 min to discuss where a board member can move to exted.
  • You can't run late unless there is a motion to extend the meeting like above.