Leather Working

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Justin F. Donated leather working tools. These are currently stored in the drawer labelled Leather near the Lock Picking by the woodworking area.


  • Hollow punch set. Useful to punch round holes, such as to install buttons or rivets. There is a small hex key to tighten the screw which holds the interchangeable pieces in place.
  • Edge slicker/burnisher tool + attachments. Used to burnish an edge for protection and aesthetics.
  • Diamond chisels. Used to punch holes through one or more pieces prior to stitching.
  • Stitching groover. As a matter of preference, it can be used to create a grooved stitch line. The stitches sitting in the groove will be less prone to abrading with use. More common practice is to mark the stitch line with a scratch awl before punching/stitching.
  • Stitching awls. For one-off stitching holes and when a hole wasn't punched all the way through by stitching chisels.
  • Scratch awl. Useful at various stages of a project. Particularly useful when starting a project for marking a pattern onto a piece of leather prior to cutting the components out.
  • Edge bevelers. Used to bevel an edge in order to prevent fraying and maintain a professional appearance.
  • Skivers (Tandy Super Skiver, safety skiver). These are used to thin a piece of leather. Most commonly, this will be useful to cut down bulk at an edge where multiple pieces are stitched together.
  • Stitching clamps (2). This tool holds a project so it can be stitched with both hands.
  • Honing guide. Block of red wood with different guides for sharpening different tools. Sandpaper placed on guide before tool is dragged along it.
  • Thickness gauge. Used to measure the thickness of leather.
  • Rivet setter. Used to set copper rivets.
  • Edge creaser. Used to place a crease along the edge of a project for aesthetic value.
  • Thread snipper.


  • Gum tragacanth. Edge finishing product. Used before beeswax.
  • Beeswax. Edge finishing, etc.
  • Leather adhesive (Eco-Flow Leather Weld). Two pieces can be glued together at the edge before stitching.
  • Waxed threads. This is fairly heavy-duty thread and not ideal for all projects.
  • Saddler's needles (John James #4). A versatile size of the most recommended saddler's needle for stitching leather (note holes must be punched beforehand).
  • Blades for safety skivers.
  • Sand paper for honing guide. Use lower number grits first, progressing to higher numbers.
  • Honing compounds (yellow, green). Used to sharpen tools, such as edge bevelers. Can be loaded onto a piece of thread which is pulled through the groove on an edge beveler to sharpen.


Recommended tools & Supplies

  • French edger. Helps thin leather in a similar way to a skiver, but useful at different times.
  • Copper Rivets.
  • Seam ripper. Will help remove stitches in event of mistakes.
  • Thinner thread. .45 mm waxed twisted poly thread is great.
  • Maul/hammer. Nylon head. Used to strike punches without ruining tools.
  • Thread spool storage/rack.
  • Adhesive spreader. Amy Roke makes the best ones.
  • Canvas or denim scraps for the final step in edge burnishing.
  • Silicone mats to apply adhesive without making a giant mess.
  • Rubber glue removers. Life savers and inexpensive.
  • Sandpaper in fine grits. Typically 500-2000. Used mostly in edge finishing.