Large 80W Laser
- Turn on the machine
- Turn on the Key Lock
- be sure to disengage the E-STOP
- Verify the following are up and running
- Laser Cutter
- Chiller
- Exhaust fan
- Air compressor
- Start the LaserCut software
- Communication Problem?
- Save work
- Exit LaserCut
- Restart LaserCut
- “SoftDog” dongle errors
- These are usually random
- retry
- Communication Problem?
- Create your design
- File in ...My Documents/USERS/Your Name
- Shapes, Text, Graphics
- Use LaserCut for simple work, or
- Import from Corel, AutoCad, etc
- Assign objects to layers then values for:
- Speed
- Power
- Frequency
- Output
- Set drawing origin (Choose intelligently based on your design)
- Click Calculate
- Simulate if necessary
- Download the design to the laser cutter
- Click “Download” then “Download Current”
- Close the download window
- Prepare the material
- Lower the table so that material doesn't hit the laser head