HYH Meeting 2012-12-13
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- Note Taker: Paul Hickey
- Moderator: Paul Hickey
- Number of Members Present: 14
All proposals from previous meeting
[1] Create Guest Sign-In Book
- Proposal by Paul Hickey
- 9 For/1 Against - PASSED
[2] Define Safety Incident Reporting
- Proposal by Michael Mathers
- 0 For/4 Against - FAILED
[3] Drink system moves to being a complete honors system
- Proposal by Chad Stearns
- 11 For/1 Against - PASSED
[4] Card access for Mark 'Trunk' Kirschenbaum
- Proposal by Jacob Rosenthal
- 15 For/0 Against - PASSED
[5] Purchase Craftsman Miter saw to replace RAS
- Proposal by Ben Humphereys
[6] Only people with card access can vote on granting card access
- Proposal by Chad Stearns
- 9 For/5 Against - PASSED
[7] Officially declare our adherence to the Prime Directive
- Proposal by Ryan McDermott
[8] Grant 1500 in matching funds for the wood shop buildout
- Proposal by Brian Aday
- 4 For/7 Against - FAILED