Current Projects
Please add links to your projects here, in reverse chronological order!
- Microwave_Furnace Microwave-Oven Smelting Furnace
- SEM Microscopy
- RFID_Access control system in Arduino
- Accessibility grant research
- Pebble Arduino workshop resources
- Laser Cutter Kickstarter
- Solar Concentrator Power Generation
- Loldialer
- Arduino IR Pet "Tamogachi" Arduino workshop resources
- Nearspace Balloon II
- Tesla Coil
- Phoenix RepRap
- Magomatic V2
- Nearspace Balloon
- Hax0r Candy Machine
- Evoked Potential Eye Mask
- 3D Scanner
- Autohacking
- NightVision
- ToolsDB
- Starting a Non-Profit
- SyncSwag
Project Idea Wall
- Computer networking
- Creating classes and trainings
- Taxes
- Location scouting
- Creating the wiki
- hack our Rigol to change it from 50mhz to 100mhz (we already did this!)
- Cameras at HeatSync
- Video wall to other hackerspaces at HeatSync
- Digital Audio Mixer/Converter/Splitter
- Homemade Milling Machine
- "Junkyard" Battle Bots
- Laser Range Finder/Parking Guide for Cars(Hopefully on the Cheap)
- Massive Trebuchet
- Renewable Energy Products
- RFID Anything!
- Soda and Mentos Powered Cannon
- Spy Gadgets
- Vacuuform Table
- Wearable Computing
- Whimshurst Generator
- Work With Schools
- Pick and Place
- Flux Paste Applicator
- Reflow Toaster
- IdeaPad S10-3t
- Arduino Twilio Library
- Gringo Challenge: Wake up after a bad night in a Mexican Jail cell? Can you get out?
- Post Apocalyptic World: How to Survive
- Take it Apart!: It would be fun to invite people who have never taken anything apart, and walk them through whats inside the electronic junk they might have just thrown away. Each participant could bring one or two things to take apart and then show-and-tell what they found. Not sure if there would be safety concerns with this. Might need a waiver.
- End to End construction of say an Arduino. Component education to soldering to burning the arduino code to writing arduino sketches.
Completed Projects
- Potato Cannons
- 2000 ASU EAP Grant Proposal