Phoenix RepRap

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Revision as of 08:39, 8 January 2010 by (talk) (Adding a build plan)
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Project Synopsis

We've been trying to brainstorm a good project idea that we can focus on to present to ASU for the $2000 grant we're aiming for. One project that would definitely put us on the map and would also allow us to reach out to the local community would be procuring a Rapid-Prototyping device. The RepRap project is a prime example of one whose initial creator's intention was not only to make a device that was as inexpensive as possible but also one that can replicate itself. Seeing the cost benefits analysis, as well as, the vast improvements with version II of this device(Mendel) we're thinking about going with that design.

Design Summary

Check out the RepRap main site here:

They've got a great video/mini documentary explaining the background of the RepRap concept including an interview with the designer:

Check out the below link for a good video summary of what the "Mendel" is:


The RepRap team has done a pretty good job of ensuring that the design specs are open source so that the world wide community can participate in building and even bettering what they've started.

Below is their how to section on building a "Mendel" version of the RepRap:


This is a tally of costs so far, and providers used. You can see the original estimate on the rep rap site of $520 was rather low. With all the various shipping charges (plus we got 15lbs of plastic) we will likely almost double this. They also do not mention the impossibility of finding the prototyped/printed parts for the rep rap. They are approximately 100 hours to print and thus we've found few rep rap/makerbot owners willing or able to print those parts for us. These parts can also be rapid prototyped for around $1500 dollars which is slightly more than the advertised $20 dollars.

Located Parts

Item US cost Notes
Bearings $76.14 shipped
Fasteners 109.20
Belt see Fasteners
Extruder parts(machined) $32.40 shipped reifsnyderb on rep rap forums
Motors 302.85 shipped
Plastic Stock See motors
PCBs See Motors Makerbot
Electronics 169.16 Parted out from Digikey, Allied,Arrow,Newark and Mouser
Total £689.74 '


These are the parts we still need. Perhaps you can help?

Item US cost Notes
12 PC or laptop Power Supply ? Scrap - You?
Thin sheet less than 2mm thick and at least 8cmx5cm ? Beer can?
Printed Parts ? Laser Cut, Rapid Prototyped, or Printed?
Bar (smooth rod) BZP NOT BMS A2 Steel even better - at least 3m - M8 (8mm diameter) ? Lowes, Home Depot
Extruder parts pcb strip board, epoxy glue(Araldite rapid), Kapton tape, 6-ohm length of fibreglass-insulated nichrome wire,heatshrink tubing, silicon grease ? Lowes, Home Depot
Thick sheet MDF, between 4mm and 6mm and at least 42cmx40cm ? Lowes, Home Depot
Studding (threaded rod) -BZP M8 (8mm diameter) at least 9 meters ? Lowes, Home Depot
Misc - oil, box cutter blades, cable ties, more? ? Lowes, Home Depot
Total ? '

Build Plan

Sorting parts into 'kits' (whole lotta parts to sort) Soldering - 2 or 3 stations probably (12 boards of various complexity) Testing Extruder building - going to be dependent on us getting prototyped parts in time Mechanical construction - going to be dependent on us getting prototyped parts in time