Nearspace Balloon

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Revision as of 03:06, 12 February 2010 by (talk)
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This project will involve sending a weather balloon into near space. Near space is typically considered to be above 65,000 feet above sea level. A near space balloon typically consists of the following major components:

  1. Balloon + helium (duh)
  2. GPS for tracking the balloon
  3. One way radio communication
    1. This is for sending us the GPS coordinates
  4. Camera on a timer
    1. Must take pictures every X minutes and have enough space to store them all
  5. Flight computer
    1. This coordinates all of the other parts and makes them work together
  6. Batteries
    1. Need to handle extreme cold and last long enough for the flight and for you to find it
  7. Weatherproof container
    1. This must keep out the cold as much as possible
    2. Needs a hole for the camera to take pictures through
    3. Must be able to open, but latch it shut securely
    4. The electronics must be secured inside somehow
    5. Balloon has to attach to this, but be able to release somehow after it pops.
  8. Parachute
    1. This slows the balloon down so it doesn't slam into the ground at terminal velocity, but it's not huge enough that it takes forever for the payload to return to earth.



  • One team per hackerspace. Any size build team, but only 10 people for the launch and retrieval team.
  • Payload must be under 4 pounds.
  • Parts cost limit of $250.00. Must show receipts or have other proof of purchase.
  • Payload must return with pictures taken from the flight.
  • Only one official launch per team allowed. Notice of official launches must be given by 8 a.m., and a judge must be present for the launch to count.
  • All local laws and ordinances must be followed throughout the entire competition.
  • The Event Board may judge any other conduct considered outside “the spirit” of the event and disqualify a team that does not adhere to it by majority vote.


  • Retrieval Time Base: 50 points. 1 point off for every minute past 45 minutes.
  • Weight of Payload 5 points added for every 1/2 pound under 4 lb.
  • Cost of Setup Base: 50 points. 0.5 points off for every dollar over $150.
  • Total Points Base 100 + 5 per each -1/2 pound.


  • Judges are members of each hackerspace, and will be submitted to the Event Board. They will ensure all rules are followed.
  • One person from each hackerspace will be on the Event Board. The Event Board will oversee the event, judge each applicant, and declare winners.


  • Competition starts immediately upon challenges going out.
  • Teams will indicate acceptance of challenge by March 1, 2010 (at
  • Launches will be held between June 1, 2010 and August 31, 2010.
  • Results of the official launch must be sent in by September 7, 2010.
  • Winner will be announce on or before September 30, 2010.