Loldialer HeatSyncLabs Config

From HeatSync Labs Wiki
Revision as of 01:48, 21 March 2013 by en>Jjrosent
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Welcome traveler!

You're attempting to troubleshoot your Loldialer (tm) brand trolling device. If you have another brand trolling device or suspect your device might be counterfeit, please contact your manufacturer for support.

Note 1: When in doubt reboot it, duh. Note 2: I've seen the loldialer not be able to run the ethernet (ie ping, etc) while also powering the lcd and or backlight. You'll want to be plugged into a dc adapter for this.

The loldialer with current code from [Jacob's Repo] will get DHCP and will report if it can't get an IP.

  • Is internet up at hsl?
  • Is the network cable still in good? Easiest things first, right? Swap it!

Does it say contact manufacturer?

Other than that

  • Maybe it was dropped and wires are loose? I've labeled everything inside
  • Is the LCD functioning? This hardware version (1?) uses the sparkfun lcd
  • Does the button pad work? You need its library from in here, and theres test code in here. From the schematic you'll notice we use the default pins so the test sketch should just run
  • Can you reflash/update the code? You should already have the libraries (mainly the keypad) from above The v1 software is the master branch over at github