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Heatsync Labs 2013 Board Meeting Minutes


Heatsync Labs

140 W Main St

Mesa, AZ 85201

Board Members

Will Bradley, Operations Manager

Timothy Gerrits, Champion

Paul Hickey, Secretary

Jeremy Leung, Champion

Marita Ogden, Treasurer

Chad Stearns, Treasurer

A reminder, all issues for consideration must be provided to the Secretary in

written form at least 7 days prior to the necessary posting date for that


Discussion will be limited to 1 minute

Paul Hickey, Note taker

Will Bradley, Time Keeper

Call to Order

7:24pm May 23, 2013


Roll Call

All present


Austin Kipp

Nate Caine

Larry Campbell

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Unanimous consent

Old Business

Tabled Motions


In order to establish a welcoming social atmosphere, no member shall derogate, harass or otherwise troll another member during HSL functions, although civil debating over technical issues or the merit of works of science fiction is welcomed.


In order to establish a welcoming, safe, and productive workspace, nobody shall derogate, harass or otherwise troll others while participating in HSL activities whether physically or online.

Be aware that harassment commonly includes, but isn't limited to: language which offends another (especially when related to gender, sexuality, appearance), as well as public sexual imagery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruption or distraction, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention.

Harassment may be subjective, but what's important is that all participants feel that HeatSync is a safe and productive workplace; if you are asked to stop, please graciously and promptly stop. If you feel the need to discuss this policy or your actions, please do so privately with a member of the Board.

    • Will-Because none of the improvements were discussed and is moving
    • Tim-We should vote on it and it requires some revision
    • Will-Feels that we should make sure we talk about it again and tabling would put it on the next agenda
    • Chad-We should vote it down
    • Marita-It should be voted on
    • Marita seconds the main motion
      • Marita-it isn’t perfect but we could do better, and it is better thanw hat is previously there, it should be amended and approved, and the verbage should be cleaned up.
      • Tim-Thinks the extra detail about harrassement is unncesseary and makes it ambiguous and feels that we should come up with something better
      • Jeremy-we had a chance to fix this the past 2 weeks and no one worked to fix it. Questions whether there is the effort to fix this. Likes it put in. The state almost requres some kind of policy but doesn’t indicate that it is necessary to be in the bylaws.
      • VOTE: FAILS
        • Marita-For
        • Paul-Against
        • Chad-Againist
        • Will-Abstain
        • Tim-Against


Violation of the Code of Conduct shall be reprimanded at the discretion of officers of the Board of Directors present at the location and time of violation.


If anyone engages in harassing or unexcellent behavior, members of the Board of Directors may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, banning, and revocation of membership without refund.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please ask the individual to stop, and contact the activity organizers and/or a member of the Board of Directors immediately. Please allow adequate time for a response before publicizing the issue.

    • Marita-It wasn’t perfect and no one made the improvements but feel that this is an improvement to the current bylaws and it should be put in
    • Tim-Agrees with Marita that it isn’t perfect but an incremental change would be nice. Empowering the community to do something is a good thing
    • Will-Idea was to put it out to the community to fix the wording. But will be bringing it to the community
      • Marita-For
      • Paul-Against
      • Chad-Against
      • Will-Abstain
      • Tim-For

New Business

Officer Reports

    • Marita
      • Swamped in work and not as active as Chad. Hope work commitments will reduce in the next couple weeks to come in more often and help out.
    • Paul
      • Jeremy and I worked to scan documents in and am going to sort out the documents to see which ones could be public to the world, and public to members and provide a method for members to access documents
        • Austin-Are all liability waivers being retained?
        • They are being scanned by Will and there was a folder upstairs
    • Chad
      • Gives treasurer’s report. Includes the month of march, but is excluding some abnormal transactions. Covers normal utilities and rent. Had lots of classes during the month of march. Received a lot of donations. Total revenue for March was about 4000 dollars. It was unusual in that it was that this month was spent on supplies.
        • Marita-Feels that verbiage of profit should be changed to something else like proceeds.
        • Austin-Sometimes spend more because things are bought in quantity
      • Trying to put together budgets. Starting next month wants to put together actual dollar budgets. Will pass this data through CPA and will be handling it himself. 10 dollars per student is put towards laser costs. Should put in $150 quarterly allowance. Aimed to match budget with reality. Shop should have a quarterly allowance of 150. Electronics doesn’t generate income and budget is $300 now with no quarterly allowance and can negotiate it when it is depleted.
        • Austin-Current money is based on class income? Is that why it leads to an odd number
      • Budget is based on expenses, also includes tig welder repair. Has 6 quarters since the budgets started. Had a lot of repairs in the previous year.
        • When does this budget cover? When were the quarters started
      • 1st quarter is Sept 2011
        • Tim-Does the classes in the shop provide for the budget?
      • No it doesn’t currently, Budget tells us what is a reasonable expense. Budgets guide us to tell us what an appropriate expense it
        • Nate-wants to look at previous spreadsheet. On the laser classes wouldn’t it have to be a multiple of 20-30 dollars. Why is it a weird number?
      • Paypal takes a fee
        • Will-about 59 paypal members based off rough numbers
        • Nate-number should be written in numbers
        • Will-It is showing the paypal numbers
        • Nate-Chad should put the member numbers on the spreadsheet. Doesn’t feel that goal that tools should be self sustaining but feels that the students of the class would feel good about providing the income to the tool
    • Will
      • Will be gone for 3 months and teaching board how to conduct orientations and have asked other members to help out. So his duties should be taken care of. Matt Shepherd, Eric Ose, Nadim Hoque are some members who’ve been asked to help with orientations.
        • Jeremy-People were also interested in helping with infrastructure, like keycards
      • Will teach board how to make keycards
    • Tim
      • Will be leaving and moving. So will be posting on the board tonight his resignation. Have been working with Jeremy to find out how to transition. Will still be part of the community.
        • Austin-How will this be handled? A special election
        • Will-Reads the Bylaws section
        • Jeremy-Bylaws allows Board to choose a temporary replacement. Wants membership to call a special election by the board. Thinks it was great for Tim to be Champion and glad that Tim will still be part of the community. Have had other people move to new locations in the past and is an opportunity for HSL as well, helps us work with other hackerspaces.
      • New position will partly be an ambassador for HSL. Will be visiting hackerspaces on the east coast to make connections to promote the cause.
        • Jeremy-If community members wants to step up and have the time to be a champion. Feels that 2 champions is important for the vision of the community and leadership
    • Jeremy
      • Trying to clean up stuff we have, trying to work on documentation, and make sure physical documentation is online. Helps to clarify questions about numbers and issues surrounding lease and insurance and allow community to see on their own. Will decide what logically should be given access. Comments that no one in the community presented a complete package to move. Urges board to vote in the lease
        • Larry-Is there an option to go month to month?
      • No
        • Are there others looking to take this place?
      • No
        • Marita-This is for a year?
      • Best to move into vote



Delegate authority to Jeremy Leung to execute contracts on behalf of HeatSync Labs or under his name and if necessary, credit, to renegotiate lease terms and pricing to extend the lease term of the current space at 140 W Main St, for one (1) additional year.

    • Marita-Have we been in contact with landlady? Will the rent go up?
    • Jeremy-It has increased every year by about $50/month. Every year the monthly rent is increased by $50 dollars, so this year would follow
    • Nate-What is the dollar amount?
    • Chad-$1380.38
    • Jeremy-it would be bumped up by an additional $50
    • Will-It wasn’t an agreement that rent would be increased every year in perpetuity
    • Jeremy-No
    • Chad-There was a discussion about negotiating for electrical, is this included?
    • Jeremy-No, this doesn’t contain electrical. There was a discussion based off of investment in the location. When there was a longer lease time there could be a commitment, those terms would be about 5 years, 3 year lease times would be for a more equitable expense split. Feels that this motion gives us the most options. Electrical could be a 10k+ upgrade and doesn’t feel that tis would be a good investment. Feels that the community should look for a new location this year if this space isn’t adequate
    • Austin-The lowest bid was 4500 almost 2 years ago. For a year lease, we shouldn’t put in the investment.
    • Will-Thinks this is the best option for now, and leans more towards having a longer term commitment and investing in this place if we don’t see grassroots need for increasing space. Doesn’t feel the need to move anytime soon. May be a good idea
    • Tim-Thinks we won’t still be here in 3-4 years and feels that 10k expense is too much if we will be moving out. Should make due with what we have as far as power. Before we move would like to see more people take action to oversee more of the stations, such as the 3d printing station, managing the nuts and bolts, needs more volunteers to take on more responsibility.
    • Nate-On last lease Jeremy is personally liable, and thinks that should take HSL as the name on the lease. Thinks it’s unusual for board members to be asked to do so.
    • Jeremy-Land lady speaks on behalf of the collective and says that their policy is to have an individual named.
    • Austin-Does the liabliity coverage cover Jeremy?
    • Jeremy-No
    • Nate-Are they going to concede anything for us to stay here? What have they brought to the table
    • Jeremy-having a 1 year lease is a concession, according to them
    • Nate-Should contribute to something
    • Jeremy-They might offer other concessions, but find it unfortunate that we weren’t offered any. Longer leases present better options and commitments from the group
    • Marita-Mesa was willing to help, seems like 3k city could put in, 3k landlords could, 3k from hsl
    • Nate-There is no commitment from city for amounts, but there is for fees for bringing it in
    • Jeremy-City has been doing independent research on moving electrical. but is moving slowly. It buys us time to see city’s options.
    • Will Seconds motion
    • Vote: PASSED
      • Marita-For
      • Paul-For
      • Chad-For
      • Will-For
      • Tim-For


Meeting Adjourned at 8:14pm