RFID Access: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with 'Attempt at creating an RFID access control shield for Arduino, both for doors and for pieces of equipment. Todo: * piezo/led feedback * relays for door strike or possible 120v …')
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Line 24: Line 24:
int bytesread = 0;  
int bytesread = 0;  
String allowed = "0F03039364";
String allowed = "0F03039364";
String allowedName = "Will Bradley";
String allowedName = "Gordon Freeman";
String strTag = "TAG ";
String strTag = "TAG ";
String strAuth = "Authorized ";
String strAuth = "Authorized ";

Revision as of 08:22, 2 February 2011

Attempt at creating an RFID access control shield for Arduino, both for doors and for pieces of equipment.


  • piezo/led feedback
  • relays for door strike or possible 120v on/off control
  • signin/signout with timer for tracking hourly usage
  • ethernet/wifi connection to HTTP server
    • authentication using server
    • feedback to HTTP server (signins/signouts, hourly usage?)
// RFID Access Control
// By Will Bradley
// Work in progress. Currently only reads an RFID card and outputs authorized/unauthorized messages.
// Uses Parallax RFID unit on pins 2,3,4 and Adafruit 2x16 LCD on pins 7-12.

// Modified by Worapoht K.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// include LCD library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

int  val = 0; 
String code = ""; 
int bytesread = 0; 
String allowed = "0F03039364";
String allowedName = "Gordon Freeman";
String strTag = "TAG ";
String strAuth = "Authorized ";
String strUnauth = "Unauthorized ";

// initialized RFID reader
#define rxPin 4  // RFID reader SOUT pin connected to Serial RX pin at 2400bps 
#define txPin 3
#define enablePin 2

// initialize LCD library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

void setup()
  Serial.begin(2400);  // Hardware serial for Monitor 2400bps

  pinMode(2,OUTPUT);       // Set digital pin 2 as OUTPUT to connect it to the RFID /ENABLE pin 
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);    // Activate the RFID reader 
  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Print a blank message to the LCD.

void loop()
  SoftwareSerial RFID = SoftwareSerial(rxPin,txPin); 

  char tempCode[10];
  if((val = RFID.read()) == 10)
  {   // check for header 
    bytesread = 0; 
    {  // read 10 digit code 
      val = RFID.read(); 
      if((val == 10)||(val == 13))
      {  // if header or stop bytes before the 10 digit reading 
        break;                       // stop reading 
      = val;      // add the digit    

      bytesread++;                   // ready to read next digit  

    if(bytesread == 10)
    {  // if 10 digit read is complete 
      Serial.print(strTag.concat(code));   // possibly a good TAG 
      if(code.substring(0,10) == allowed) {
        lcdPrintln(strAuth, 0);
        lcdPrintln(allowedName, 1);
      } else {
        lcdPrintln(strUnauth, 0);
    code = "";
    bytesread = 0; 
    delay(500);                       // wait for a second

void lcdPrintln(String message, int line) {
      // set the cursor to column 0, line 1
      // (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
      lcd.setCursor(0, line);
      // print the number of seconds since reset:

void lcdClear() {